Error during yaha installation

Error message:

g++ -Wall -O3 -D COMPILE_USER_MODE -D BUILDNUM=83 -MMD -MP -c src/SW.cpp -o obj/SW.o
src/SW.cpp:799:164: error: redeclaration of ‘template<unsigned char banded, unsigned char extension, unsigned char reverse, unsigned char XCutoff> int findAffineGapScore(QueryState_t*, char*, SUINT, char*, SUINT, EditOpList_t*, SUINT*, SUINT*)’ may not have default arguments [-fpermissive]
 ar * rStr, SUINT rLen, EditOpList_t * list, SUINT * addedQLen = NULL, SUINT * addedRLen = NULL)

make: *** [obj/SW.o] Error 1

This is because of the verison of gcc. 

By default, I was using gcc/5.2.0. After changing to gcc/4.7.2, there was no ERROR anymore. 


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