How to understand SAM flag

1110x1Read paired
21020x2Read mapped in proper pair
310040x4Read unmapped
4100080x8Mate unmapped
510000160x10Read reverse strand
6100000320x20Mate reverse strand
71000000640x40First in pair
8100000001280x80Second in pair
91000000002560x100Not primary alignment
1010000000005120x200Read fails platform/vendor quality checks
111000000000010240x400Read is PCR or optical duplicate
1210000000000020480x800Supplementary alignment

: enter whatever SAM flag (e.g. 99) to get a quick interpretation of its meaning, or click on arbitrary rows to select/deselect them to calculate the corresponding flag value. As you can see, your typed flag is a just sum of the matched bits in green.


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