How Could I Reply To "sorry"?

It's okay.
Don't worry about it.
Don't sweat.
Not a big deal.
Don't be.

Or, slightly more formally, 'not at all'.

It also depends on whether or not it is ok. 
Situation 1: 
Someone ran you over and broke your leg.
Maybe you forgive them and accept their apology, but it's still a major problem for you. 
In this case you could say "I appreciate your apology."

Situation 2:
A friend stepped on your toe.
"Please don't worry about it in the slightest."
"Don't give it another thought."
"That's very kind of you, but an apology is not necessary."
"No actually, I like having my toe stepped on. Please do it again." (OK, maybe not this.)

never mind
no problem
it's okay
no biggie (slang)
( correct please if there is any mistake )


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